Articles in this category Are LTE speeds guaranteed? LTE is a best effort service, meaning you will receive speeds based on the capacity of the network. During busy periods the network speeds will be reduced. Can I attach an antenna to my device? Antennas can be attached to the devices to improve signal strength. It is not always guaranteed that an antenna will improve the signal strength. How do I block senders in Outlook? Have a look at the following support article: How do I check my emails via the iSAT website? Have a look at the following support article:
Top articles Can I attach an antenna to my device? Category: Knowledgebase Antennas can be attached to the devices to improve signal strength. It is not always guaranteed that an antenna will improve the signal strength. How do I block senders in Outlook? Category: Knowledgebase Have a look at the following support article: How do I check my emails via the iSAT website? Category: Knowledgebase Have a look at the following support article: Are LTE speeds guaranteed? Category: Knowledgebase LTE is a best effort service, meaning you will receive speeds based on the capacity of the network. During busy periods the network speeds will be reduced.